"For the needy shall not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor perish forever." (Psalm 9.18)
There is no escaping God's injunction to reach out to the poor and needy. We see it over and over in the Bible from the beginning to the end. We need that challenge! It is the human condition to forget about the poor. Throughout church history, we always seem to be tempted to build beautiful buildings, establish great programs and groups, and then lock ourselves away in those edifices. Now, of course, there's nothing wrong with building a great facility to house worship, Sunday school, youth, etc. But, Jesus is always calling us to GO! To GO out into the hurting world and make a difference. To GO out into the lost world and bring the light of Christ. To GO out and make disciples out of those who need to know the Good News of Jesus.
It is human nature to want to establish a "COMFORT ZONE," and then never venture outside of it. In contrast, it is God's Nature to continually call us into mission, mission to reach out to those who are hunger or hurting with the Love of Jesus Christ. In what small way might you reach out today?