"Some of the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus with a question."--Luke 20.27
The Sadducees were a group of religious elite in Jerusalem in Jesus' day. One of the main differences between them and the other main group of religious leaders in Jesus' day (the Pharisees) was that they did not believe in a Resurrection of the dead. They were wealthy and influential people in Jewish society. Their belief was that if one was living right with God, then they would be rewarded in this life. Therefore, in their minds, there was no need of a resurrection and reward after death. They thought God would reward people in this life and then they would just sort of go to this peaceful, restful sleep after death.
I've never met a Sadducee in modern America. But I have met some people who say there is no life after death. They seem to have a similar outlook to the Sadducees. "Work hard in this life, eat, drink, and be merry and enjoy the fruit of your labors for tomorrow you may die!" Wait a minute! I've even met some Christians who proclaim this life philosophy!
The promise and assurance of Resurrection, of a glorious and eternal life after death is one of the most foundational beliefs of the Christian faith. And yet, I wonder how often even we Christians live what one writer called a sort of "practical atheism." What I mean is how often do even we Christians live as if there is no Resurrection?
This life can be full of incredible God moments, moments when we sense and experience the wonderful gifts of God in many and varied ways. But there must be more than this! Even those wonderful God moments can seem fleeting at best. There must be a time beyond time, a life beyond this life. There must be a place where we can truly experience the fullness of God's presence, uninterrupted by the effect of sin, which means by its very definition, separation from God. And because there is, then it puts a period on all our suffering and trials. Because there is, the "night of weeping" will not last forever but will ultimately yield itself to the NEW DAY that is eternity!
May you live in the fullness of the Resurrection today! May you see signs of it in your life today! May the Promise and Assurance of Resurrection and Eternal Life with God overwhelm you with Hope this Day!
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