Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The quest for freedom

Psalm 2:10-12: "Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, with trembling kiss his feet, or he will be angry, and you will perish in the way; for his wrath is quickly kindled. Happy are all who take refuge in him."
Like many of us in the West, I have been greatly moved by the protests, demonstrations, and uprisings for freedom in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and other areas of the Middle East. Something significant is happening. People are fighting for positive change for themselves and future generations.
I do not pretend to understand all the complexities of these uprisings. But one thing seems to shine through: the desire for freedom, the desire for a better way of life, a life of justice and peace.
The psalm for this week is connecting deeply with world events. The psalmist warns kings and "rulers of the earth" to "be wise; be warned." "Serve the Lord with fear . . . or he will be angry and you will perish in the way." There is accountablity for world leaders. They cannot rule without being accountable to God's justice. They cannot oppress and injure without being held responsibile.
Will you join me this day in praying for the rulers of the earth, especially those in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya? Pray for those who have passed and particularly for those to come. Will you join me this day in praying for the peoples of the earth who hunger and thirst for freedom and justice?
I have linked a wonderful prayer for the people of Egypt below. The places where "Egypt" is listed can be replaced with "Tunisia" and "Libya" as well.

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