Monday, January 5, 2009

The Call

Yesterday, I preached a sermon called "Follow Me," based on Matthew 9.9-13 (Jesus' calling of Matthew, the tax collector). Today, I'm recommending the Scripture: Matthew 4.18-22 for reading. In this Scripture, that same Matthew recounts the Call of Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John (the writer of the fourth gospel). What is striking to me in their calling is the word "IMMEDIATELY." Jesus called Simon Peter and Andrew and it says "immediately they left their nets and followed him." Then Jesus called James and John and they also "immediately left the boat and their father and followed him."
There is a great sense of urgency in God's Call! In my experience of calling to pastoral ministry, I felt that sense of urgency. I wrestled with God about this calling (no one usually "runs after" being a pastor because of the sacrifices required). I eventually got to the point that Jeremiah got to as he expressed: "his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones." Indeed, when God calls, it is a fiery call! It is an urgent call! It is an unrelenting call!
We don't know exactly how well Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John knew Jesus before they "immediately" left all to follow him. What we do know is that the Call from Jesus demanded a response. God's call on our lives also demands a response. The first call is always the simple "Follow Me," an invitation to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives. Have you answered that call today?

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