Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eating Flesh-Drinking Blood???

"Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them." (John 6.56)
Eating flesh and drinking blood? Is this Jesus' words or a line out of a horror movie? These words are indeed Jesus' words. And it has nothing to do with gory scenes.
Jesus is talking about Holy Communion, the meal of the Church. As we receive Holy Communion (or the Lord's Supper) we receive a spiritual blessing. As Christians, we believe that once ordinary items like bread and juice are blessed with the Communion Prayer, they come to represent Jesus' body and blood. It is a sign and symbol of Jesus abiding (or living, dwelling, making his residence) in us. And what a powerful reminder it is! God created us as material/physical beings. He knew that we would need physical reminders of the spiritual presence of Jesus. That's what Holy Communion is all about. In this humble "meal" of bread and juice: 1. We remember that Jesus gave it all on the cross for us an for our salvation 2. We come together as sisters and brothers in the family of God 3. We are strengthened for the spiritual journey we call life 4. We look forward to the heavenly banquet we will eat with all the saints in perfect communion with God the Father/Son/Holy Spirit. What a privilege and blessing it is!

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