Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Draw close to God

"Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." --James 4.8
Reflecting on the first purpose of our lives, TO GIVE GOD PLEASURE, Rick Warren writes, "You are as close to God as you choose to be." Now this may be a little surprising, maybe even a little hard to believe. Why? Because in our human relationships, this is not always the case. Live long enough and you will experience the pain of rejection. Whether it be from a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, teacher, parent, or child, rejection hurts. Sooner or latter, we will experience the frustration of trying to draw closer to someone in our life and them rejecting that.
But God is different! God promises to draw close to us when we draw close to him. We don't need to fear rejection from God. God, in Jesus Christ, has promised to never leave nor abandon us. If we want to be closer to God, God will always grant that request.
So, how do we do it? Worship, prayer, Bible study, being with other Christians, and serving in Christ's name. As we offer ourselves in this way, God is faithful and will come closer to us.

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