Tuesday, August 10, 2010

no judgment

"Therefore, let us stop passing judgment on one another."--Romans 14.13
I don't know about you, but I often find myself making judgments about everything. I judge the new pair of shoes I just bought. I judge how my favorite baseball team is playing. I judge how that hamburger tastes that I just cooked on the grill. We all make judgments every day. Making judgments about things is part of life. The problem comes when we feel tempted to judge other people.
We live in a society that is full of judgment. Turn on the t.v. or scan your latest news on the internet and you will surely find some serious judgment about people. You will even find Christians, who claim they believe in God's grace and forgiveness, judging each other. It is human nature to make judgments on one another. But it is also NOT part of God's plans for us as new creations in Christ.
In his letter to the ancient Roman church, the Apostle Paul (a leader in the early Church), simply commands "let us stop passing judgment on one another." The only way this is possible is to walk with Christ daily, to die to the sinful self, and let Christ's Spirit of love and forgiveness work through us. In Christ, there's no room for judging each other. Who have you felt tempted to judge recently? Why not confess this to Jesus and ask for His Spirit of non-judgment to take the place of judgment?

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